Robert Kiyosaki, born on April 8, 1947, in Hilo, Hawaii, is a renowned author and entrepreneur, best known for his groundbreaking personal finance book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” Challenging conventional financial wisdom, the book contrasts the philosophies of Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad” and “Poor Dad”, promoting the importance of financial education, asset management and investing. Kiyosaki, with a straightforward writing style, has authored influential books like “Cashflow Quadrant” (1998), expanding on “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” and “Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing” (2000) providing insights into strategic financial planning. His work also includes “Rich Dad’s Increase Your Financial IQ” (2008) and “The Real Book of Real Estate” (2009) showcasing his commitment to promoting financial literacy and entrepreneurship globally through books, seminars and educational materials.
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